Unlock the future of High Value Manufacturing in a unique 861 acres facility.
The UMW High Value Manufacturing Park is a product of UMW’s extensive manufacturing experience, providing an ecosystem of dedicated development clusters that help empower your business through seamless collaboration.
Explore the detailed Master Plan of UMW High Value Manufacturing Park.
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Aras Mezanin, No. 1, Jalan Rhenium, Presint 3,
Bandar Industri Bernilai Tinggi, 48200 Serendah, Selangor.
All information contained herein including but not limited to measurement of the built-up areas, specifications, plans, drawings, images, pictures, illustration layout are subject to change without notification to you as may be required by relevant authorities or required or recommended by the Developer’s architect or engineer and are not intended to form and cannot form part of an offer or contract. All measurements are approximate and illustrations are artist’s impression only.